As Estrelas de Morrinhos, 2013
(The Stars of the Small Hills)
As Estrelas de Morrinhos (The Stars of the Small Hills) was made while in residence at the Instituto Sacatar, Brazil (October - December 2013). The video was made as a result of meeting Maristela Ribeiro, a Brazilian artist who invited me to take part in her much larger multi dimensional project "o Projeto Casas do Sertão" which utilizes art as social intervention. Originally set to be screened a few days before I left Brazil in December in the village of Morrinhos, we were tragically rained out. However, the show did finally happen on February 1st of 2014. The people and the houses seen in the video are from the village called Morrinhos (small hills) and are the inspiration for this video.
Sounds for the video were all captured while in residence at the Instituto Sacatar.